Thank you to the parents who came in for last week's Game Day. The class had a great time with you.
We will be reading animal nonfiction books in reading workshop and using a variety of 'reports' to share our new learning.
We continue to write How To books in Writing Workshop. This week we will focus on adding details to each step. For example, instead of writing, "Put on your helmet." We will stretch out that idea to be, "You will need to put on a helmet. A helmet protects you in case you fall down."
Monday 1/28
1. Read for at least 15 mintues
2. Winter Word Work
Tuesday 1/29
1. Read for at least 15 mintues
2. Math Boxes
Wednesday 1/30
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Writing: Animal Facts & Opinions
Thursday 1/31
1. Read for at least 15 mintues
2. Study for tomorrow's spelling test
Have a great week!