Friday, January 18, 2013

Animals in Motion

We had a great visit with Ioa from the Darien Nature Center. She taught us that "Eyes in front, hunt. Eyes on the side, hide." We were able to observe how different animals move. We also learned how their bodies affect how they move and protect themselves and find food.

This is a rabbit.  Her back legs are like a spring which helps her to jump high and far.
This helps her escape from her enemies.  Animal enemies are called predators. 

Tortoises are different than turtles.  Tortoises live on land and turtles live in water.

Paloma is a dove.  Most birds can move in two ways:  flying and walking.

This snake is called Cornflake the Cornsnake.  He slithers to move.  He uses his tongue to smell.  He squeezes rats, mice and other little rodents.  This kind of squeezing is called constricting.