Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Peek at the Week

This weeks is our first FULL week of school.  We have gotten to know a bit more about each other and some new friendships have begun.

The First Grade Class Coffee is this Tuesday, September 13th at 9:30.  I met with our classroom moms, Kerry Bock and Sarah Demark, last week.  They have lots of sign-ups sheets for this year's activities.

Class Picture Day is this Thursday, September 15th.

Academic Update
Math:  Last week we got our math books and are getting the hang of how to rip out pages carefully.  We have been working with partners on some new math games.  Ask your child how to play "Poison Apple".

Reading Workshop:  Thank you for sending in your child's favorite book to keep at school.  This week each child will get the chance to show and share about their favorite book.  It's a good way for us to learn about each other.  We will also be learning some of the routines to Reading Workshop.

Word Work:  In our classroom we are calling the Words Their Way program "Rainbow Groups" because each child will be a part of a group named after the rainbow colors.  Last week I gave an assessment which will help me in forming the groups.  This week we will all be working with the same words while learning some of the games and activities. 

Writing Workshop:  This week we will be setting up our writing folders and notebooks.  This will help us to feel like "real" writers.  Our first writing unit will be on 'Small Moment' stories. 

I will give you more information about all of our programs at next week's Open House.