Sunday, September 25, 2011

Peek at the Week of September 26-30

It's the last week of September-wow!

It was great meeting so many of you at last week's Open House. 

Thank you to all who helped make last Friday's Apple Day a fun event.

There is no school this Thursday in honor of Rosh Hashanah.

Field Trip money ($16) is due this Wednesday, September 28th.  Please send in as soon as possible so that the checks can be deposited and the trip paid for.

Written homework begins this week.  In general, written homework assingments will be given Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.  Thursday is a good day to remind your child to review his/her spelling words for the week.  This blog-newsletter will have the homework assignments for each week.
Reading homework:  It is important to help your child get into a good routine for reading every day.  Practicing sight words should also be done on a regular basis.  The sight words were given out at Open House.  Throughout the year I will send home additional words.  Homework

Monday 9/26
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes
2.  Fall Word Work (This sheet has 5 choices...your child only needs to pick 1 of the assignments to do.  There will be a list of words attached to the homework sheet.  The list is for you to keep at home for study/practice)

Tuesday 9/27
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes
2.  Math:  Numbers All Around Us
3.  Send in $16 for the November trip

Wednesday 9/28
1.   Read for at least 15 minutes
2.   Grammar:  Apple Treats (ending punctuation)

Thursday 9/30
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes
2.  Review your words for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great week!