Sunday, September 18, 2011

Peek at the Week of September 19-23

This Thursday, September 22 is Open House for parents.  I hope that my presentation will give you insight into your child's day as a first grader!

We are working away in our classroom and are feeling more comfortable...the confidence level is growing too!

During the next few weeks I will be reading with each child 1 on 1 to get a sense of where he/she is with their reading.  Students will start 'book shopping' for their "just right" books to read. 

This Friday, September 23rd will be "Apple Day" in our classroom.  I would like each child to bring in 1 apple from home.  We will be using the apples for a special project to be shared with our families.  We will also be reading and writing about the apple theme.  It should be a lot of fun.

Monday 9/19
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes

Tuesday  9/20
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes

Wednesday 9/21
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes

Thursday 9/22
1.  Read for at least 15 minutes

Have a great weekend!