Class Photos: Photos were sent home last Thursday. Please return your order forms if you are ordering.
Field Trip: Most of you have sent in checks for the November trip to the Quick Center. Checks (or $15 cash) is due this Wednesday.
Reading Workshop: Last week we worked on shopping for "Just Right" books. These are books that are not too hard and not too easy. I used the story of Goldilocks as a model. Goldilocks was always looking for the just right bowl, chair and bed just like we are looking for the just right book. This week we will be focusing on Previewing a Book. I like to use the term "stong readers" when we work on strategies. So this week we will be talking about how strong readers use the cover (title and illustration) to help get their brains ready to read and understand a book. Also, we will practice doing a 'book walk' an another pre-reading comprehension strategy.
Writing Workshop: Last week we filed away our first book which was called "The Fall Season". This week we are working on a unit called "Small Moments". Small moments are stories about a specific moment in time. For example, maybe your child is writing about boogie boarding in the ocean instead of the entire trip to Cape Cod. The idea is that writers zoom in on a specific event. Of course we will be working on writing complete sentences as we plan and write our small moment stories.
Monday 10/4
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Fall Word Work
Tuesday 10/5
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Math: More, Less, In-Between
3. Bring in Field Trip Money ($15) by tomorrow
Wednesday 10/6
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Reading: Book Award (use of your favorite books for this award)
Thursday 10/7
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Study for tomorrow's spelling test
Have a great week!