Words Their Way: Each Monday your child brings home the fall word work homework stapled to his/her words for the week. The word list is for you to keep at home. We do many things with the cut up words here at school. You may want to have your child cut up the words so they can play games like the Speed Sort (this is a 1 person game) or a Blind Sort (this is a 2 person game) at home. Also, the cut up words can be used like flash cards. Some groups have done mini-spelling bees where 1 person in the group asks the others to spell their words.
Literacy Centers were started at the end of last week and will continue this week. We are working in groups of 3 on many fun reading & writing tasks including: Mystery Solver, Big Books, Stampers, Poetry, Character Art, Top 10 and many more. As the year goes on more centers will be introduced. We do our centers as a part of Reading Workshop. These are done after the whole class mini-less and independent reading.
Monday 10/18
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Fall Word Work
Tuesday 10/19
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Math Problem Solving
Wednesday 10/20
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Reading Response: Tell about your favorite part of a story
Thursday 10/21
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Review your words for tomorrow's spelling test
3. Put your library book in your bag
Have a great week!