We will also be having our first Activity Afternoon this Friday when we have our Apple Tasting event. Thank you to the families who are providing the food and drinks. Please send an apple in with your child on Friday morning. We will use it for our apple activities.
Our phonics program, Words Their Way, will begin this week with your child working in small groups on their first word pattern. I am calling this "Word Work". Your child will be bringing home a list of their words for the week. There will be a letter attached to the word list with additional information.
Sight Words will also be coming home with your child today. Your child will have a sheet (or sheets) of labels typed up in a colorful font. These labels are for you to keep and use at home. Your child will also be given the same words today to keep in their Reading Workshop binders to practice here at school. A letter will be attached to your child's list explaining everything.
I think all of the back-to-school collections (emergency cards, lunch bunch, etc.) are finished. Homework is beginning today. As I said at Open House, homework will be given Monday-Thursday nights. Homework will consist of 1 'written' assignment. In addition to the homework sheet, every child should be making time to read for at least 15 minutes and practicing their sight words for about 5 minutes on a daily basis. Homework will be listed here each week.
Monday 9/20
1. Read for 20 minutes (5 minutes for sight words + 15 minutes of reading)
2. Word Work: Pick 1 assignment from the 'Word Work' list
Tuesday 9/21
1. Read for 20 minutes (5 minutes for sight words + 15 minutes of reading)
2. Math: Barrel of Apples
Wednesday 9/22
1. Read for 20 minutes (5 minutes for sight words + 15 minutes of reading)
2. Writing: Apple Sentences
Thursday 9/23
1. Read for 20 minutes (5 minutes for sight words + 15 minutes of reading)
2. Review your words for tomorrow's spelling assessment
3. Bring in an apple for tomorrow's apple day
Have a great week!