- HB was an awesome captain. (Miss D.)
- In gym we played Blob Tag. It was fun. (CB)
- In Music Mr. Allan showed us how to use wood blocks to keep a beat. (AMS)
- We had art. It was super-fun! We made waterfalls with snakes. They are sort of like quilts. (KS and CF)
- We started a new chapter book called Clemetine. It's about a girl who cut her hair and got in BIG HUGE trouble. (MM and KE)
- In math we learned about tally marks. (AGS)
- In writing workshop we practiced making sure our sentences make sense. (KK)
- Our moms and dads came for Open House. We stayed home with babysitters. (LJD and MC)
- We are excited for our Apple Party next Friday. (AK)
- Next Friday we will have our first spelling test. (SM)
- Also, next week homework begins! (MC)