A belated Happy Mother's Day to all of our class moms. I hope your first graders gave you the cards they made here at school.
Also, thank you for the beautiful flowers for last week's Teacher Appreciation Day. They really brightened up our classroom (and my day)!
We are busy preparing for the "Three Piggie Opera" which will be next Friday, May 21st at 9:30 in the Common Room. Remind your child to practice his/her line(s) for the show. We were lucky to be assigned the role of narrators for this first grade show. I'm sure it will be a great success.
Some librarians from the Darien Public Library will come and talk to our class about their Summer Reading program.
Reading Workshop: Our poetry unit continues this week. Last week our focus was on how to read a poem. This week we will be working on comprehending a poem by visualizing the words. In kid words I am describing this as "Strong readers use the poems words to help make a picture in their brain."
Writing Workshop: Last week we wrote many different kinds of list poems. This week we will write poems that follow a pattern. We will experiment with 2-2 poems, 3-3 poems, shape and acrostics.
Phonics/Spelling: Compound Words: sunshine, homework, baseball, into, mailbox
Math: Unit 9 continues with the following topics: Visualizing Symmetrical Shapes, Measuring with Inches, Measuring with a Single Unit and Measuring with a Ruler. There are lots of hands-on, real life math activities in this unit.
Science: Our caterpillars should be arriving this week from North Carolina. We are getting very excited to see the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly.
Monday 5/10
1. Read for at least 20 minutes
2. Purple spelling sheet
Tuesday 5/11
1. Read for at least 20 minutes
2. Fluttery Math
Wednesday 5/12
1. Read for at least 20 minutes
2. Poetry: Read 'butterfly Wings' poem and write about your life as a butterfly (at least 4 sentences)
Thursday 5/13
1. Read for at least 20 minutes
2. Study for tomorrow's spelling test
Have a great week!