Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Peek at the Week of June 1-4

Welcome to the last month of school.  June is the month that absolutely flies by.  There are many fun activities and events to look forward to as we plan our summer breaks. 

It is a good idea to send in a water bottle with your child each day.  The water bottle can be kept here at school for your child to refill each day or the bottle can be brought home daily if you prefer.

Last week was the final week of homework.  Your first grader should continue to read daily, but there aren't any written assignments coming home.

Math: This week's topics are:  Working with the Quarter (trickiest coin), Showing Amounts in Different Ways, Comparing and Ordering Amounts, and Finding 1 or 10 More and Less than a Given Number. 

Reading Workshop:  Last week we had an author study on Laura Numeroff.  This week we will be sharing our thoughts on books with each other through some book recommendation letters, favorite part activity sheet and other graphic organizers.

Writing Workshop:  Taking inspiration from last week's author study we will be writing our own circle stories this week.  These are stories that start and end in the same place.  This should be a lot of fun.  We will also practice for our upcoming showcase, Poet Palooza. 

Science:  Butterflies

Have a great week!