Thursday, June 4, 2009

In Case of Rain...

We are scheduled to go to the beach tomorrow. The weather is not looking so good. A final decision will be made tomorrow morning. I will do an all class email in the morning to let everyone know the status of the trip.

In the event that we get rained out, all students should come to school. They can still dress in their beach attire since tomorrow the Student Council is sponsoring a 'Tropical Island Day'.

We will have an indoor picnic in our classroom. The kids can bring in a towel/blanket to sit on while eating their lunches. If we can't get to the beach we can at least pretend! Lunch food items should be dropped off at 11:30 to the classroom.

Thank you for your cooperation with this. Hopefully the weather will change and we won't have to make changes, but I'd rather be prepared.