Saturday, December 14, 2013

Peek at the Week of December 16-20

This is the last week of school in 2013! 
It's going to be a festive and busy week.

Report Cards:  If you still have the large white envelope, please return it to school.

Pajama Breakfast Party:  We are having our class Pajama Breakfast on Tuesday at 9:30.  Your child can wear pajamas and slippers, but please make sure they have "real" shoes for recess and the bus.  Thank you for the following families for sponsoring this event:
             Cinnamon Rolls (Long/Pritchartt)
             Fruit Salad (Faherty)
            Juice, Cups, Napkins, Plates (Orr)

Grab Bag:  If you have not sent in a gift, please do so before Tuesday.  We will be doing the Grab Bag activity at our class breakfast on Tuesday morning.  Writing a thank you note will be the homework for Tuesday night.

Early Dismissal:  Friday is an Early Dismissal Day.  We will attend the school singalong and have our December Pep Rally.  Due to the shortened day we will do our spelling test on Thursday.

December Monthly Minutes:  Please remind your child to return the December calendar to school on Friday.

Monday 12/16
C Day:  Gym
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Monthly Minutes
3.  Winter Word Work

Tuesday 12/17
D Day:  Library
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Monthly Minutes
3.  Grab Bag Thank You letter

Wednesday 12/18
E Day:  Spanish
1.  Read for at least 10 minute
2.  Monthly Minutes
3.  ***Study for tomorrow's spelling test (We are taking the test a day early.)

Thursday 12/19
F Day:  Music
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Monthly Minutes
3.  Finish filling out your December Monthly Minutes (turn in tomorrow)

Friday 12/20
A Day:  Gym

Have a great vacation...see you on Thursday, January 2nd!