*(PG) We met a veteran.
*(TH) We have gym today.
*(WK) We worked in the garden.
*(CK) My mom came to take pictures for the yearbook.
*(QK) We went to the Book Fair.
*(PK) We learned about tally marks and graphs.
*(MM) We had art yesterday. We painted pictures of leaf piles.
*(AM) We got books from the Book Fair.
*(SM) We ran lots of laps in the gym.
*(SO) I tripped in gym!
*(VP) In gym we threw foam balls against the walls. We practiced throwing strong.
*(ER) We had our spelling test today.
*(BS) We had our tenth spelling test.
*(ST) We have 7 gold homework stars.
*(WB) We are taking our first spelling tests of the month.
*(SB) We started centers and reading groups.
*(TB) At centers there are 4 groups.
*(CKC) Every Friday we have a mystery reader.
*(CHC) We played Elimination in gym.
*(SD) We had our first day of centers.
*(NF) The center groups are: RAZ kids, Mystery Solvers, Rubber Stampers, and Character Art.