Sunday, December 2, 2012

Peek at the Week of December 3-7

Welcome to December!

It was great to have the chance to talk to you during our conferences last week.

The big news this week is that Spanish classes will begin for the first graders.  Our class will have Spanish on Friday afternoons with Senora Guillen.  We will have Spanish during what used to be our library time.  We will start going to library on Thursday afternoons.  Your children will have the chance to check out and return books on Thursdays from now on. 

I hope that your child brought home the letter (on pink paper) explaining our class holiday celebrations.  I will list the upcoming dates in this weekly blog post so that we all know what is going on.
-Thursday, December 13th: Cookie Exchange
-Friday, December 14th:  Grab Bag Gifts due  (Send in the gift whenever it is ready.  It's fun to see the wrapped presents piling up under our little tree.)
-Wednesday, December 19th:  PJ Breakfast Party

Monday 12/3
1.  Read at least 10 minutes
2.  Winter Word Work (a few additions to the Fall 'menu')

Tuesday 12/4
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Math: Wreath Word Problem

Wednesday 12/5
1.  Read for at least 10 mintues
2.  Sentence Writing

Thursday 12/6
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Study for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great week!