Sunday, November 25, 2012

Peek at the Week of November 26-30

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

This is Conference Week.  Monday is a full day.  Tuesday through Friday will follow an early dismissal schedule.

Report cards will be sent home with your child on Monday.  Please sign and return the white report card envelope.  The report card is yours to keep.

We enjoyed our Pie Party before Thanksgiving.  I know the next 4 weeks between now and Christmas Vacation are busy, busy, busy.  With that in mind, I am listing the dates for our class holiday events just so you can mark your calendars now and plan accordingly.
-Thursday, December 13th will be our class cookie exchange.  (Specific details will be sent home on a separate memo in the next week). 
-Wednesday, December 19th will be our class Holiday Breakfast.  We will wear our holiday pjs and do a Grab Bag (I'll send home a memo with specific details).

Academic Update
-Reading Workshop:  We will begin a unit of study on characters.
-Writing Workshop:  We will continue with our Realistic Fiction unit.
-Math:  We will begin Topic 3 of the Growing with Math program.
-Word Study:  Groups will resume this week.

Monday 11/26
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Fall Word Work

Tuesday 11/27
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Math 4 Today

Wednesday 11/28
1.  Read for at least 10 mintues
2.  Character Present

Thursday 11/29
1.  Read for at least 10 minutes
2.  Study for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great week!