There is no school for students on Monday, October 8th in honor of Columbus Day. Enjoy the long weekend.
Game Day
Our first game day will take place this Thursday, October 11th at 2:30. The class will be broken into groups to play games with a parent volunteer. Thank you to the following families for volunteering for game day: Popson, Struk, Donzeiser, Sarsen, Nemec, and Maniscalco.
Reading Workshop
- We are in the middle of a unit called Tackling Trouble: Hard Words & Tricky Parts. During this unit I have been modeling what readers do when they come across words they don't know.
- Last week we worked on Sight Words, which we were also calling "Popcorn" words because they "pop" up all the time. Also, we talked about how we want those words to become so automatic that they pop into our brains quickly. Each child has their sight words in their reading notebook and are given some time each day to practice those words. These are the same words I gave to you at Open House.
- This week we will do some strategy work which will include: using the picture, think about what makes sense, go back and reread.
- We spent the beginning of September learning the routines of Writing Workshop. Towards the end of September we started our first unit which was on writing Small Moment stories. These are stories in which your son/daughter is the main character. It is a story about something that happened to them. We have written family stories, friendship stories, and neighborhood stories.
- This week we will (hopefully) be wrapping up our Small Moment stories. Each child will reread their stories and select one to 'fancy up'. We will be following the writing process of revising, editing, and publishing. At this point in the year revising will be adding on one more detail to make your story even better. Editing will be checking for capital letters at the beginning of every sentence. Publishing is rewriting our stories using our best handwriting. I will share the Small Moment stories at our November conference.
- We will begin Unit 2 of the Growing with Math program. This Unit is called Understanding Addition and Subtraction. We will show addition and subtraction in many ways. Using mathematical language and terms is a part of this unit.
- This week's lesson is called Listening to Learn. The 4 components are: Eyes watching. Ears listening. Voice quiet. Body Still. We will be using that phrase as a reminder of expectations during all lessons.
Monday 10/8
No School/Columbus Day
Tuesday 10/9
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Fall Word Work
Wednesday 10/10
1. Read for at least 10 mintues
2. Columbus Math Problem
Thursday 10/11
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Review word list for tomorrow's test
Have a great week!