Highlights of the Week May 18

- We did the Writing Olympics yesterday. This is a writing project that ALL the first graders in Darien do. (CC)
- We have been practicing for Poet Palooza. It will be next Thursday after Art. (KN)
- This week we had D-Day for our poetry unit. D-Day means Decision Day for picking our best work. (CC)
- If you have a really long poem, you only pick one. This is what BS did. If your poems are short, then you could pick two. (AP)
- Our poems have been typed by Miss Roxbury so now we can read them at the show. (EC)
- Yesterday we practiced for our Poet Palooza. (SS)
- This month of May is the anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania. It sank in 1915. I wrote a poem about it. (CH)
- In Art we are making clay ducks. (JN)
- The clay has to be put in the kiln for many hours until it gets hard. (KD)
- Before the clay goes in the kiln, it has to have 10 days to dry. (RM)
- In gym we played kickball and we still don't know what teams we are on for Field Day. (BS)
- Today we will have an author visit. His name is Bill Thomson. (KB)
- Today is a very confusing day because we will have a shorter time at library and a shorter time at computer. (ES)
- We are going to be very flexible about our schedule today because there are going to be many changes. (Miss D.)
- We might not be able to go to computer today because we will be visiting the author. (MF) If we do go to the lab we are going to try a poetry website. (BS)
- Kids can get their books autographed by Mr. Thomson. (RH)
- Next week JN and BS will be co-captains. (MK)
- Today is our last Mystery Reader for the year! (MF)
- Today is our second-to-last spelling test of the year! (AM)
- I fininshed my Fast Facts book. I did the whole book in order. (ED)
- ED is the only kid so far to finish the Fast Facts book. He is a math master! (Miss D.)
- This week we got to eat lunch outside at the picnic tables because it was nice day. (class)
- Our caterpillars are inside their chrysalis. (MF)