I sent home a 2-sided memo last week about our two classroom holiday celebrations. The Cookie Exchange will be next Thursday, December 15th. The Grab Bag gifts should be sent in by next Friday, December 16th. The Grab Bag will take place on Wednesday, December 21 at our Breakfast Party.
This Thursday is our field trip to the Maritime Center. We will be seeing many exhibits and animals and will also get a chance to see an IMAX movie. We will be eating lunch at the Maritime Center, so please make sure your child has a lunch packed. It is easier if it is a "brown bag" lunch so that everything can be thrown away so that your child will not have to keep track of their lunchbox after lunch.
Monday 12/5
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Winter Word Work (a few new choices have been added to the 'menu')
Tuesday 12/6
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Winter Wreath Story Problem
Wednesday 12/7
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Snowman Story
Thursday 12/8
1. Read for at lest 10 minutes
2. Review for tomorrow's spelling test
Have a great week!