Happy Valentine's Day!We will have a great time exchanging Valentine's cards. We will be having a pizza party in our classroom for lunch on Monday, February 14th. If your child does not like pizza, please make sure they bring in a lunch.
Next week is our February break. I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing week.
Reading Workshop: We will wrap up our unit on Non-fiction by doing a special research project called 'Buddy Study'. Your child will be working with 1 or 2 classmates to study an animal. They will be making a poster, creating a list of interesting facts and making up quiz questions. The groups will do their presentations on Friday.
Writing Workshop: We are finishing our "How To" books this week. Miss Ward will be starting the second non-fiction unit called "All Abouts" after break.
Math: The class is excited to be starting the second volume of our math books after break. They have been watching their first math book get thinner and thinner each month.
HomeworkMonday 2/14
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2. Winter Word Work
Tuesday 2/15
1. Read for at least 15 mintues
2. Math: Mixed Review
Wednesday 2/16
1. Read for at least 15 mintues
2. Grammar: Ask and Tell About Snow
Thursday 2/17
1. Read for at least 15mintues
2. Study for tomorrow's spelling assessment
Have a great vacation...see you again on Monday, February 28th!