Sunday, January 2, 2011

Peek at the Week of January 3-7

Welcome Back to a brand new year!  I hope everyone enjoyed the break.  It was nice to be spend time with friends and family.   

Miss Lindsey Ward, one of our interns, will be completing her Student-Teaching in our class.  She starts this week and will be with our class for 10-12 weeks.  I am excited to have another teacher in the room and I know the kids are happy as well. 

January is  a great time to get back to basics.  We will be doing so with an emphasis on handwriting (making sure tall letters are tall, spaces between words, etc.) and basic sentence grammar (beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period). 

Reading Workshop:  We will begin a unit of study on non-fiction. During this unit we will learn about the non-fiction genre.  We will also focus on  reading strategies when reading a non-fiction book.

Writing Workshop: We will begin a unit of study on non-fiction.  This month the focus will be on "How To" books. 

Assessments:  The new year is a good time to reassess the class.  All children will be given the DRA (reading fluency and comprehension) and the Primary Spelling Inventory (this is the assessment that goes along with the Words Their Way program).  Your child may be talking about their new book shopping list or their new spelling groups. 
Some children will also be reassessed on their Sight Words.  New lists will be sent home if needed.

Monday 1/3
1.  Read for at least 20 minutes
2.  Winter Word Work

Tuesday 1/4
1.  Read for at least 20 minutes
2.  Winter Acrostic Poem

Wednesday 1/5
1.  Read for at least 20 minutes
2.  Math

Thursday 1/6
1.  Read for at least 20 minutes
2.  Study for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great week!