- KG was a really good captain. (RP)
- KG was a very good captain. (CM)
- We had our 3rd Mystery Reader. (FH)
- We played soccer in gym. (PR)
- We had some Free Choice time. (RP)
- AD had a birthday. We made cards. (MA)
- We put our Sight Word lists in our binders. (KG)
- We did our first spelling test! (CVI)
- We had our 3rd indoor recess. (OS) We watched the Berenstein Bears Halloween DVD. (CP and PR)
- We wrote our first Small Moment stories. (CM)
- We started our 3rd Clementine chapter book for read aloud. (EB). It is called Clementine's Letter. (JMN and PR)
- We had a 'Freeze Dance Party' after indoor recess. No one got out. (DS and RP)
- We had time to play mancala. (JMN) Everyone is getting better at using strategies. (Miss D)
- In Reading Workshop we practiced cover previews and bookwalks. These will make us stronger readers. (KG and Miss D).
- During Independent Reading we worked on building our reading stamina. (JMN and RP) This means we are trying to read on our own for longer and longer time. (TM and MA)