There is no school on Monday 9/28 in honor of Yom Kippur.
Our Apple Day was a lot of fun. Thank you to all the parents who donated the delicious foods and drinks. We hope all the families enjoyed the caramel apples over the weekend.
AD is the Class Captain this week.
Computer Homework: Please have your child practice typing in the login name for the computer lab. This will help them to be able to access the computers independently. The username is "oxridgelab" (all 1 word, all lowercase) and the password is "Oxridge" (all 1 word, but with an uppercase O--this is the tricky part). Opening up a blank word document and just allowing them to practice typing the username and password over and over will be a big help. Within a few weeks I'm sure they will be logging on with ease!
Writing Workshop helpers begin next week. The kids are looking forward to having some additional "experts" assisting them with brainstorming ideas, editing and being a set of ears to listen to their stories. Thank you in advance for volunteering!
Math: We had our first assessment in math last week and will start "Unit 2: Understanding Addition and Subtraction" this week.
Reading: We had a great time reading Tall Tales last week. This week we will begin Book Shopping for 'just right' books. This is one of the most important skills we need as we dive into our Workshop. Ask your child to tell you what a 'just right' book is. Hint--Goldilocks (they'll know what this means)
Writing: Last week we made our first books, one was a biography report on Johnny Appleseed. The other book was a Fall Senses book. This week we will start our first official unit on "Small Moments/Personal Narratives". These are stories about a small moment from our lives.
Tuesday 9/29
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Scholastic News: The Constitution Rules (read and do the graph on the back cover)
Wednesday 9/30
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. 100 Things Journal p. 56 "My favorite thing in my classroom..."
At least 2 COMPLETE sentences.
Thursday 10/1
1. Read for at least 10 minutes
2. Math: One More, One Less, In Between
Have a great week!