Sunday, February 24, 2013

Peek at the Week of February 25- March 1

Welcome Back!

We will start this week in February and in March!

This Friday we will have a "Green Eggs and Ham" breakfast in honor of Dr. Seuss.  Thank you to the following families for sponsoring our breakfast:
-Li   2 dozen eggs
-Struk   2 dozen eggs
-Sarsen   24 slices of deli ham (rolled up)
-Vrooman   juice
-Maniscalco   plates, napkins, cups, forks (enough for 24)

We would love to have lots of Dr. Seuss books to read and enjoy this week.  Please send in any Dr. Suess books to share with the class.  Make sure your name in written in the book. We will keep them here for a week or two and then return them.

Monday 2/25
1. Read for at least 15 minutes
2.  Winter Word Work

Tuesday 2/26
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Math Boxes

Wednesday 2/27
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Writing:  My Day with the Cat in the Hat

Thursday 2/28
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Study for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mystery Reader

GG's mom was the Mystery Reader right before our February Break.

Big Cats

These fourth grade boys taught our class about big cats such as jaguars and leopards. It was a part of their non-fiction unit of study. We learned some amazing facts from them.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Pizza Party

Winter Break

Stay safe and warm.
See you on February 25th!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tennis Presentation

Our class had a visit by a 4th grader. She taught us about some famous tennis stars and tournaments. It was great!

Mystery Reader

AS's mom was our Mystery Reader. She and GM's mom surprised us by having a surprise birthday party!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gung Hey Fat Choy

We had a 90- minute delay this morning, but that didn't stop us from celebrating Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year was yesterday.  And this new year is the year of the snake.  We learned that there are 12 special animals in the Chinese zodiak and that this year is the Year of the Snake.

We read a nonfiction book about China. We read a biography about a boy who lives in Chinatown.

The highlight of our day was the 'Chopstick Challenge'. Each person made an estimate as to how many marshmallows they thought they could pick up in 1 minute using chopsticks. Mr. Forshaw and Ms. Goldstein tried it out too. Mr. Forshaw holds the record at 51 marshmallows in 1minute!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Peek at the Week of February 11-15

Our class will celebrate Valentine's Day with a pizza party for lunch.  We will be eating lunch in our classroom.  If your child does not like pizza, you can send in a home lunch.
Thank you to the Popson, Ochman, and Maniscalco family for providing the pizzas; the Devicaris family for drinks; the Piersol family for the plates, cups and napkins; and the Donzeisers for dessert. 

We will exchange Valentine cards this week.  Please make sure your child has 1 card for each classmate.  A list of names was sent home last Monday.  It was a pink paper.

This is the last week before Winter Break.  We will be wrapping up our Non-fiction unit in Reading Workshop and our How To unit in Writing Workshop.  We will have a nice, fresh start after the break.

Enjoy the time off...stay safe and have fun!

Monday 2/11
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Winter Word Work

Tuesday 2/12
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Candy! Candy! Candy!  (math graph)

Wednesday 2/13
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  The Valentine Surprise (story and questions)
3.  Put your Valentine cards in your bag

Thursday 2/14
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Study for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great vacation!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 100

Day 100 was so much fun! 

We did 100 piece puzzles, donated over 100 boxes of cereal, made a list of 100 words we can spell by heart, and even dressed like 100 year olds.  The whole school loved seeing the first graders on parade!  Lucky for us, nobody fell and broke a hip!

Light and Shadow

We learned about shadows with a scientist from High Touch-High Tech.

Happy Birthday!

VS was so happy to celebrate her birthday with her parents and the class!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Peek at the Week of February 4-8

So much excitement during these busy days:  Groundhog, Superbowl, Day 100 and Chinese New much fun to learn about different traditions and customs. 

Last week a flyer went home about the 100th day of school.  Last year the first graders at Ox Ridge dressed up as 100 year old grownups.  There were some very dashing gentlemena and some feisty ladies.  We decided to make this a tradition and do it again this year.  Of course, this is completly optional and you and your child can decide what to do.  We will have a Day 100 parade so that the whole school can see how great we look!  This will happen on Thursday.

We will have a scientist from High Tech-High Touch come and do some experiments on light and shadows.  The students love these hands-on learning opportunities.  This program is funded by the PTO Enrichment fund.

This Friday we will learn about Chinese New Year.  We will have a "Chopstick Challenge" in math where we will talk about estimations.  We will also read a non-ficiton book about a boy who lives in Chinatown.  He explains his family's traditions.

Keep sending in boxes of cereal...we are very close to making our goal. 

Coming Home Monday are 3 very VIPapers:
1.  pink paper with our Valentine's Day info
2.  blue paper "Monthly Minutes" reading log (directions are at the bottom)
3.  yellow paper about March conferences (this may come home Monday or Tuesday)

Monday 2/4
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Winter Word Work

1.  Read for at least 15 minutes
2.  Valentine List (list making to solve problems)

Wednesday 2/6
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Candy Wrappers (ABC order)
3.  Pick out some "grandma/pa clothes"

Thursday 2/7- Day 100
1.  Read for at least 15 mintues
2.  Study for tomorrow's spelling test

Have a great week!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mystery Reader

ES was so happy to have her mom come in to be this week's mystery reader.

Highlights of the Week February 1, 2013

  • (LS)  We are going to have a spelling test today.
  • (ES)  Today is sports jersey day.  The most popular jersey in our class is the New York Giants.
  • (BT)  Today we have a Mystery Reader.
  • (BV)  We have Spanish today.
  • (WB)  Today is D-Day in Writing Workshop.  D-Day means Decision Day.  It means we pick out our favorite How To book to edit and revise and publish.
  • (JB)  We have new Valentine books out on display.
  • (WC)  We reorganized our non-fiction books.  Now they are all together on a rolling shelf.
  • (RC)  We will have a Mystery Reader today.
  • (MD)  We have collected 29 boxes of cereal. Our class goal is to get at least 33 boxes for the poor people. 
  • (AD)  Yesterday we had a Pep Rally.  MRS and RC won!
  • (WD)  During snack and read aloud time we started a new chapter book called, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".
  • (SD)  Yesterday we did not have gym because there was a 90 minute delay.
  • (GG)  Tomorrow is Groundhog Day.
  • (LM) This year's Superbowl is brother vs. brother.  That means that the head coaches are brothers.
  • (GM)  Yesterday at the Pep Rally we started chanting "49ers"  and "Ravens".  We did the wave.
  • (CN)  In music we have been practicing folk songs and dances.
  • (BO)  We read a book called "Valenslimes".  It is about two friends who play tricks on each other and they call it Valenslimes instead of Valentines.
  • (GP)  We finished our How To drafts.
  • (DP)  The 49's head coach, Jim, has a son named Jay.  Jay works with the Ravens team in the weight room.  He helps train the players.
  • (MRS)
  • (RS) Today is the first day of February.  February is the shortest month of the whole year.
  • (AS)  We put up a superbowl football flag next to our calendar.
  • (VS)  In math we are working on patterns.